River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding by #DoctorMicahJohnson

From growing up in poor black communities to teaching at preeminent universities, race is deeply embedded in my lived experiences, my research, my artistry, my sense of self and my commitment to community empowerment. I find peace and fulfillment in knowing that the deep wounds, heartbreak and trauma caused by ugliness of racism fuels my work with RPCP on anti-racism, social justice and peacebuilding. Through RPCP, I have been able to train diverse peoples from all around the world in anti-racism, poverty, trauma, and paths toward justice. The transformations are extraordinary. With every RPCP webinar, talk, training session, and outreach event, we are helping to strengthen communities, heal historical harms, and empower those who have been disenfranchised. I am very grateful, excited and humbled to be a part of this effort.

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